December 12, 2016

It is with deep sadness I am writing you to announce the passing of my father and CEO of our company, Wayne E. "Jake" Inners, on December 10, 2016. While we grieve for our loss, we also rejoice in his graduation to the beginning of his new life with Christ. The bible tells us that (for believers) to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

My father was a pioneer and innovator in our industry. He was loved by many and respected by all that knew him. His greatest attributes went unheard of by many. James 1:27 says religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: To help widows and orphans in their distress, and keep oneself unstained from the world.

My father helped many people throughout the years that could testify that his actions spoke far louder than his words. Few people knew of the things he had accomplished with charities, donations of equipment and substantial financial resources for several meaningful projects, such as Rev. Michael Holder who oversaw City of Light Children's School project in Liberia, What Matters Ministries specifically Casa Angelina which is an Orphanage in Teluche, Guatemala and Kingdom Quest Ministries.

While it has been an emotional time, I want to assure you that the Inners Amusement Company, dba Majestic Midways, will continue to be the outstanding company my father has worked his whole life to create. Keith Inners, Larry Johnson and myself are committed to providing the same service you have grown to know and love with Jake.

I am proud to say he created a culture within our family and company. Giving to those who couldn't give back, which is the very heart of Christ. While we grieve, we also rejoice and are thankful to be able to carry on his legacy. My father truly led a life well lived. he will be greatly missed and our work will continue to honor him.

Scott Inners

What Matters Ministries - to donate online go to website: and note that it is in honor of Wayne "Jake" Inners when you donate.

City of Lights Children's School - can be found online at by clicking "Donate" at the top.

About US
Francis Grover Cleveland Inners started in show business as a trapeze artist. Name of the troop was "The Flying Shelly". James Inners was the flyer and Francis the catcher.

Francis produced vaudeville shows in the York, PA area. He was also a painter and paperhanger by trade. He married Mazie Elizabeth Jacobs.

Started in the amusement ride games business on a very small scale. Playing mostly area picnics.

Raised a family of 2 daughters and 7 sons.

World War Two: four sons served their country returning home in 1945.

Formed Inners Amusement Co with son Edward.

Francis passed away and Inners Amusement Co. was operated by Mazie (wife) and Edward (son).

First major investment. A ten seat adult Ferris wheel manufactured by Garbrick Rides of Centre Hall, PA.

Youngest son, Wayne "Jake" Inners returned from 4 years serving our country in the US Air Force.

"Jake" joined the family business by purchasing his first amusement ride. A Theel Carousel.

Purchased a Hustler major ride. This was the turning point in becoming a major competitor in the amusement ride business.

Due to Edward and Jake's families growing larger, it was decided that it was time for a separation which resulted in Jake purchasing all assets of Reynolds Rides & Amusements of Chesapeake City, MD. Thus Majestic Midways was formed.
"Jake" Decided it was time for the younger generation to move up and Jake's son Scott was elected to the position of President. Majestic Midways has grown to over 35 amusement rides. We have also established the reputation of having the cleanest most up to date operations in the Eastern US.

We will be celebrating our 105th year anniversary in 2014.

Circa 1913

Circa 1915

1916 - 38
1941 - 45 








The company is operated by:

Scott Inners, President / Safety Director
Viva E. Inners, Secretary / Treasury
Keith Inners, Unit Manager